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Notice on Daily Check-in for International Students

Date:2020-03-24  Source:   ClickTimes:

In order to carry out the prevention and control of novel Corona epidemic, all the international students are requested to submit report every day on their Physical Condition through “Outbreak Report” platform starting from 19thFebruary, 2020. Submission time:09: 00-9: 40 a.m. (Beijing time). College of International Education will submit the report at 10 o'clock every day. This information will be an important reference for student’s physical health when they return to school. Please make sure you complete your daily check-in survey!


1. If it is inconvenient to complete the check-in on time due to time difference or network issue, please refer to the teacher in charge to complete the daily check-in for you. Students suggested to fill in the information in advance and submit it to the teacher.

2. Report immediately on any medical emergency, location changes, or close contact with a confirmed patient to the teacher in charge.

3. In order to protect the health of international students, students are not allowed to return to Beijing or return to School until further notice.

College of International Education

Novel Corona Epidemic Prevention and Control Team

February 21, 2020

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