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Date:2020-11-09  Source:   ClickTimes:

1.According to Article 6 & 47 in Regulations on Student Status Management of Undergraduates of BJUTundergraduate students should complete the registration procedures

Article 6: Students should complete the registration procedures as required by BJUT within two weeks since commencement of each semester. Anyone who fails to register within the time limit should complete the deferred registration procedures. For anyone who fails to register within two weeks since commencement of the semester without a valid reason, it shall be deemed as a waiver of his/her student status and withdrawal on an automatic basis.

Anyone who fails to pay the tuition as required by BJUT or is disqualified for registration in BJUT shall not be registered. Students from economically disadvantaged families may apply for a loan or any other finance-aid. These students may be registered with the procedures completed.

Article 47: Students who withdraw from BJUT after studying in BJUT for one or several years will beprovided with the certificate of incompletion by BJUT.

2.According to the academic calendar, all the international students should register withhis/her student status certificate in the international student management office in the first two weeks at the beginning semester. Otherwise, the international student should go through the post registration procedures.

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