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Regulations on Student Status Management of Undergraduates

Date:2020-11-10  Source:   ClickTimes:

Beijing University of Technology

Regulations on Student Status Management of Undergraduates

ChapterGeneral Provisions

Article 1In order to maintain routine teaching order and life order of BJUT and promote the overall development of students in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects, these Regulations are formulated on the basis of the Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations for Management of Students in General Institutions of Higher Education issued by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China in 2005 and the relevant national laws and regulations as well as actual condition of BJUT.

Article 2These Regulations shall apply to the undergraduates accepted by Beijing University of Technology (“BJUT”) to receive the regular higher education in the light of the national admission policy and regulations.

ChapterStudent Status Management

SectionAdmission and Enrollment

Article 3Freshmen who are accepted in the light of the national admission regulations shall complete the admission procedures with theAdmission Offer of Beijing University of Technologyand the relevant certificates on the basis of requirements imposed by BJUT and within the time limit given in the Admission Offer. Anyone who cannot register within the time limit for certain reasons shall take a leave from BJUT in advance for which the relevant supporting document shall be provided. For anyone who fails to register within two weeks without valid reason or has a leave with the term of more than two weeks, it shall be deemed a waiver of his/her enrollment qualification unless otherwise there is a valid reason including but not limited to force majeure.

Article 4Upon registration of freshmen, BJUT will carry out the review within three months as per the national admission regulations. Only the eligible freshmen will be allowed for registration and to be provided with the student status. Anyone who is not approved in such review shall be dealt with by BJUT in the light of the case till cancellation of the enrollment qualification.

Anyone who obtains the student status with fraud or fraudulent practices shall be removed with his/her status by BJUT upon verification. These subject to material breach shall be investigated and dealt with by the relevant authority.

Article 5Any freshman who suffers from diseases and is diagnosed by a Secondary A or a higher-level hospital (similarly hereinafter) designated by BJUT to be unfit for studying in BJUT but can meet the physical examination requirements for enrollment in BJUT with treatment for a year may have his/her enrollment qualification retained for one year subject to his/her application and approval of BJUT. These with the enrollment qualification retained have no a student status. In case of rehabilitation with treatment during retention of enrollment qualification, an application for admission shall be submitted to BJUT prior to freshman enrollment in the next academic year. These who receive diagnosis by a hospital designated by BJUT and meet the physical examination requirements for enrollment in BJUT are permitted to complete the admission procedures and obtain the student status whenever he/she is qualified in the review of BJUT. For anyone who is not approved in the review of BJUT or fails to complete the admission procedures, his/her enrollment qualification shall be cancelled.

Article 6Students should complete the registration procedures as required by BJUT within two weeks since commencement of each semester. Anyone who fails to register within the time limit should complete the deferred registration procedures. For anyone who fails to register within two weeks since commencement of the semester without a valid reason, it shall be deemed as a waiver of his/her student status and withdrawal on an automatic basis.

Anyone who fails to pay the tuition as required by BJUT or is disqualified for registration in BJUT shall not be registered. Students from economically disadvantaged families may apply for a loan or any other finance-aid. These students may be registered with the procedures completed.

SectionEducational System and Credit

Article 7BJUT adopts the credit system cultivation program for undergraduates.

Article 8The length of study for undergraduates in BJUT is four years (five years for architecture and urban planning majors). Excellent students are permitted to early graduation with a prior application provided that they meet the requirements for graduation. Students are allowed to apply for deferred graduation with an application made according to their actual situations. The length of study for students in BJUT shall not exceed six years (not more than seven years for architecture and urban planning majors), whatever the reason is.

Article 9Upon completed registration, studying and course examination, the academically qualified students may obtain the credit for the course.

Article 10BJUT measures students' quality of learning during their stay in BJUT by using"credit pass rate" and "weighted average score" which serves as key indicators. For example:

Credits and scores of minor courses, innovation credits and the second classroom are not included in the calculation ofthe credit pass rate and weighted average score. Credits for innovation courses and extracurriculum activities are required for graduation. Students of science should obtain no less than 4 credits for innovation courses. Students of other majors should obtain no less than 2 credits. 12 credits should be obtained for the extracurriculum activities.

Article 11Anyone who has completed the four-year duration (five years for architecture and urban planning majors) but applied for an extension as the credits are not obtained shall make an application to his/her College in advance. TheApplication Form for Extended Length of Study of Undergraduates in Beijing University of Technologyshall be filled in and submitted to the College for approval and then to the Academic Affairs Department for record. The application for extended length study will be accepted in each June.

Article 12Students should submit themselves to the following provisions during the extended length of study:

(1) Students should follow the rules and regulations of BJUT and take part in educational and teaching programs as provided by BJUT;

(2) Students who are disqualified for graduation upon expiry of the extended length of study shall make an application to BJUT for completion or incompletion on a voluntary basis. Failure to do so within the time limit shall be deemed as withdrawal on an automatic basis; and

(3) The entitlement of students subject to extended length of study to benefits for undergraduates studying in BJUT shall be based on the regulations of BJUT.

SectionAssessment and Results Record

Article 13Students should take the assessment of courses set forth in the teaching scheme (collectively "Course"). Results of such assessment shall be included in the results list and their files.

Article 14The assessment consists of examination and quiz: course assessment is recorded on a hundred-mark system; assessment results of innovation course are recorded with “pass” or “fail”. Students should take the assessment of registered courses. Students can obtain the credit for the course only when they are academically qualified.

Article 15Any student whose credit pass rate in a semester during his/her study in BJUT is less than 50% shall receive an academic probation warning. Anyone who is subject to such academic probation warning shall put in withdrawal if his/her credit pass rate in a semester is less than 50% again; the student may be relieved from the probation warning provided that he/she obtains no less than 20 credits in a semester and passes the assessment of the registered courses and he/she is not subject to any misconduct including but not limited to cheat or disciplinary offence during academic probation.

Article 16Anyone who applies for relief from academic probation warning shall submit to his/her College a written application within the first three week of each semester. The application shall be approved by the College and submitted to the Academic Affairs Department for approval.

Article 17Anyone who fails to achieve 70% of required credits for the courses in the first four semesters at the conclusion of the fourth semester since his/her enrollment should retake the failed course. He/She is permitted to take a new elective course only when 90% of the required credits are obtained.

If a student get less than 20 credits for the compulsory course under retake in the semester when he/she retakes the compulsory course he/she failed, an elective course may be used as the supplement with application made by the student, review by the Academic Affairs Office of his/her College of Department and approval by the Academic Affairs Department. The elective course as a supplement shall be included in the credit pass other than the credit pass of the failed course.

Article 18Make-up Examination and Retake

(1) Anyone who fails in the assessment of a compulsory course, an elective course of the major or the elective course of another major is entitled to either retake or take the make-up examination commenced at the beginning of the next semester. No deferred exam is provided for any course with a make-up exam taken. Anyone who fails in such make-up examination must retake the course. Anyone who fails in the assessment of each of the said courses is only entitled to one make-up exam.

(2) Any failure of the make-up exam shall be recorded with the actual make-up exam results. 60 or more scores shall be recorded as 60. The results of make-up examinations shall be included in credit pass rate calculation of the semester during which the student takes the course.

(3) The elective courses of general education (natural science, social science, arts and humanities, economics&management, engineering, physical education, foreign language): students of science must take the elective course in connection with economics&management, arts and humanities or art with no less than 6 credits; students of arts, law or economics&management must take the elective course in connection with natural science or engineering with no less than 6 credits. Anyone who fails in the assessment may retake the course or turn to other courses. BJUT provides no make-up exams.

(4) Exam results of retake course shall be recorded as it is and marked with “Retake”. Such results shall be included in the credit pass and weighted average calculation of the retake semester.

(5) The retake course should be re-selected prior to commencement of the course.

Article 19For absence of the assessment for special reasons, the student should make an application to the Academic Affair Office of his/her College for deferred exam prior to such assessment and submit the relevant supporting document. He/She may be exempted from the assessment with approval of the College.

In the event that the student fails to submit the application for deferred exam prior to the assessment for special reasons, he/she shall notify the Academic Affairs Office of the College. Absence from the assessment shall be permitted with approval. A supporting document in connection therewith shall be provided within 3 days thereafter. An application shall only be made for a deferred exam of the same course.

Students with deferred exam should take the make-up exam commenced at the beginning of the next semester. Results of the course subject to deferred exam shall be included in the calculation of credit pass rate and grade point average the last semester. Retake is a must if the student fails in the deferred exam.

Article 20Any absence from the assessment without a reason shall be deemed as assessment abandonment, for which the make-up exam qualification for the course shall be cancelled and results shall be recorded as 0. The student must retake the course. Credits and scores of the course shall be included in the credit pass and weighted average calculation.

Article 21In the case of material breach of the assessment discipline or a cheat, the assessment result of the course shall be recorded as 0. The student shall be educated by criticism or provided with disciplinary sanction by BJUT based on the breach or cheat and in the light ofRules of Penalties for Student Violation to Discipline. These who receive a warning, a serious warning, demerit record or academic probation may be provided with a make-up exam or retake chance for the course prior to graduation provided that they behave well with instructions.

Article 22Students who have outstanding performance, strong self-study ability or specialties may apply for exemption from taking a course for a higher grade and take a direct assessment. The student with such exemption should fill in theApplication for Exemption of Coursesprior to selection of the course. He/She may be exempted from taking the course and take a direct assessment upon approval of his/her College and submittal to the Academic Affairs Office for record. The exempted course must be registered.

For any exemption from a course, the student shall complete the assignment required by the teacher on time. The student shall complete the practice necessary for the course and take the exam, following which he/she can obtain the credits and scores of the course. The assessment results shall be included in the calculation of credit pass rate and grade point average.

Students shall not be allowed to apply for exemption from the course of political theory, morality, military theories, military training or practical courses or practices of a course.

Article 23Students may apply for minors in other majors or take the courses or other majors as elective courses according to the BJUTRegulations on Minor Taking by Undergraduates.

Students may take the courses of another university or college according to the interscholastic agreement with consent of BJUT. The course results (credits) shall be admitted upon review by BJUT.

Article 24Anyone who does not participate in the activity set forth in the teaching program or the training program on time without approval shall becriticized; these subject to material breach shall be provided with disciplinary sanction in the light of theRules of Penalties for Student Violation to Discipline.

Article 25Students shall follow the requirements imposed by teachers and strictly obey classroom disciplines. Students shall not be late, leave early or be absent from school. Any teacher is entitled to develop the attendance, assignment, quiz and practices of students as a part of the course assessment. In the event that students cannot attend as required by a course due totoo many registered selective course, he/she should complete the exemption procedure provided by the teacher of the course.

Article 26Assessment or appraisal of students' moralities shall be based on theCode of Conduct for Students in Colleges and Universities. A personal report or democratic appraisal by the teachers and students may be used.

The performance of students' physical education should be generally assessed in the light of attendance, in-class teaching and extracurricular activities.

SectionMajor Change and Transfer

Article 27Students with enrollment completed may apply for a major change in the light of regulations of BJUT upon any of the following condition:

(1) The conditions included in the Measures of Beijing University of Technology on Major Change of Undergraduates (Trial) are met;

(2) Be talented in an aspect for which a major change can better develop such talent;

(3) Be diagnosed by a medical institution designated by BJUT to be unfit for studying the original major; or

(4) Upon review and approval of BJUT, the student is subject to a particular difficulty for which he/she cannot continue the study without a major change.

Article 28BJUT may adjust the major of students appropriately in the light of changes in demands of society for talents and with consent of students.

Article 29Students admitted by BJUT generally studies in BJUT. Anyone who cannot study in BJUT due to diseases or particular difficulty may apply for a transfer. Any transfer due to illness suffering shall be provided with the medical certificate of diagnosis provided by a Secondary A hospital or a medical institution at a higher level as designated by BJUT.

Article 30Transfer of students shall be approved by both colleges and universities. The transfer is permitted only when it recognized by the provincial educational authority of the jurisdiction to which BJUT is subject to for reasonable cause of transfer; for any transfer from the provincial educational authority of the transferor to the provincial educational authority of the transferee, the transfer procedures shall be completed only when it is recognized in the light of transfer conditions. The registered residence of the student with such transfer (or transfer out) must be transferred out of BJUT.

Article 31Transfer shall not be permitted upon any of the following cases:(1) He/She studies in BJUT for less than a semester;

(2) The transfer is made from a college or university at a lower level in the place of admission to the one at a higher level or from a lower level of education to a higher level;

(3) He/She is a targeted-area student or a student of entrusted training upon admission;

(4) He/She is ordered to quit;

(5) Other cases for which there is no valid reason.

Article 32Any student with an application for major change or transfer should study the original major and obtain the credits and scores prior to any approval.

SectionSuspension, Status Retention and Reentry

Article 33Students may complete their study in stages during the required length of study of BJUT. An application for suspension by students or any suspension BJUT considers necessary shall be permitted with approval of BJUT. His/Her student status will be retained in BJUT.

Article 34Suspension is permitted on the basis of a semester. Any student with an application for suspension should fill in the application form of suspension at the conclusion of the last semester or within one month since beginning of a semester.

Article 35Any students in the suspension period shall neither be entitled to the benefits for students studying in BJUT nor take part in the educational and teaching activities organized by BJUT. No change shall be made to the registered residence of the student taking suspension. In case of suffering from disease during the suspension, the medical expenses shall be managed according to theTrial Measures of Beijing University of Technology on Management of Free Medical Service.

Article 36Students who study abroad during the suspension should complete the suspension procedures. His/Her name will be kept on the school roll within the suspension period upon approval of BJUT.

Article 37Students who are drafted into the People’s Liberation Army (including Chinese Armed Police Force) should complete the suspension procedures. His/Her name will be kept on the school roll till one year following discharge from the army upon approval of BJUT.

Article 38Upon expiry of suspension or status retention, the students with an intention of reentry should make a reentry application to BJUT in the semester prior to such reentry and complete the reentry procedures. Registration and course selecting procedures may be completed with the reviewed qualification and approval by BJUT.

Article 39For the reentry of students subject to suspension due to illness, a medical certificate of rehabilitation issued by a Secondary A hospital or a medical institution at a higher level shall be provided. Such reentry shall be permitted upon reviewed qualifications by BJUT.


Article 40Anyone subject to any of the following cases shall be ordered to quit:

(1) An academic probation warning is received; the credit pass rate is less than 50% in a semester occurs again;

(2) The course is not completed within the duration (including suspension) required by BJUT;

(3) There is no reentry application being made within the time limited given by BJUT upon expiry of suspension or status retention, thus leading to disqualification upon review;

(4) It is diagnosed by a hospital designated by BJUT that the student suffers from disease or accidental impairment and cannot continue his/her study in BJUT;

(5) The students break the law during suspension, which leads to cancellation of reentry qualification upon verification of BJUT;

(6) He/She has not taken the teaching activity required by BJUT for two weeks without asking for a leave;

(7) Registration is not completed within the time limit given by BJUT and without a valid reason;

(8) The student makes an application for withdrawal.

Article 41Students’ withdrawal shall be discussed and determined by the President Office Meeting.

BJUT will provide and deliver a letter of withdrawal to the student subject to withdrawal upon review of BJUT. In case of delivery failure, an announcement shall be made in BJUT. It shall be also submitted to Beijing Municipal Commission of Education for record.

Article 42Matters following students' withdrawal shall be subject to the following provisions:

(1) Students subject to withdrawal shall complete the withdrawal procedure and leave BJUT within the time limit. His/Her file and registered residence shall be returned to the place where his/his permanent residence is registered; and

(2) For any student who withdraws from BJUT and is diagnosed by a medical institution designated by BJUT to suffer from disease or accidental impairment and cannot continue to study in BJUT, his/her family member (or relative) may assist him/her with completion of the withdrawal procedures.

Article 43Any student subject to cancellation of student status or withdrawal shall not apply for reentry.

Article 44In case of any objection of the student against the withdrawal decision, reference shall be made to theRules on Handling Students’ On-campus Appeals.

SectionGraduation, Completion and Incompletion

Article 45Students are entitled to graduation when they: complete the courses set forth in the educational and teaching program within the length of study of BJUT; are academically qualified and meet the requirements for graduation in connection with morality, academic performance and physical education. BJUT will provide the diploma; these qualified for grant of a bachelor’s degree will be granted with the bachelor’s degree and the degree certificate.

Article 46Students are entitled to completion when they: complete the courses set forth in the educational and teaching program within the length of study of BJUT, but do not meet the requirements for graduation. BJUT will provide the certificate of completion.

Students who are subject to completion and have a course or teaching program of which the credits are not obtained may apply for retake in BJUT within the maximum length of study since the completion. The student may apply for a change to the diploma with review of the College and approval of BJUT provided that he/she obtains the credits; anyone who is qualified for grant of the bachelor's degree will be granted with the degree certificate by BJUT. Both the diploma and the degree certificate should be dated with the actual issuing date. Change of the diploma will not be accepted in the event that no application is made for retake within the time limit or credits are not obtained within the maximum length of study.

Article 47Students who withdraw from BJUT after studying in BJUT for one or several years will be provided with the certificate of incompletion by BJUT.

Article 48BJUT submit itself to the regulations for management of electronic registration of academic certification of higher education. BJUT submits the information of diploma (certificate of completion) to Beijing Municipal Commission of Education for registration. Beijing Municipal Commission of Education submits such information to the Ministry of Education for records.

Article 49Students may take minors while taking major courses. BJUT provides the certificate of minor for these who take a minor while completing the major course and meet the requirements of such minor.

Article 50Students who violate the national admission regulations shall not be provided with the academic or degree certificate in any form. BJUT will take the academic certificate or degree certificate issued back and declare invalidity of such certificate.

Article 51Renewal shall not be permitted for any lost or damaged diploma, certificate of completion/incompletion or degree certificate. A certificate will be provided by BJUT upon application by the student and verification by BJUT. Such certificate shall be equally authentic as the original.

ChapterSupplementary Provisions

Article 52These Regulations are discussed and approved by the President Office Meeting and submitted to Beijing Municipal Commission of Education for record.

Article 53These Regulations shall apply to the undergraduates with enrollment in 2007 or afterwards.

Article 54The originalRegulations on Student Status Management of Undergraduates(issued by BJUT in 2005) shall apply to the undergraduates with enrollment in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

Article 55These Regulations shall be interpreted by the Academic Affairs Department of Beijing University of Technology.

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